How to Study Biology for NEET?

Dr. Pankaj Kumar
5 min readDec 4, 2020

हिस्ट्री जियोग्राफी बड़ी बेवफा,
सवेरे रटो, शाम सफा !

A somewhat similar myth is associated with Biology.. Isn’t it? We all have heard that there are lots of mugging kinds of stuff in biology and one needs to rely more on the by heart technique for competitive success. Tongue twister scientific names, widespread classifications, diverse flora, and fauna are perhaps the reason for such myth. Now, it’s time to do away with such misplaced thoughts. Biology is just logical and as scientific as any other subjects of science. We need to develop some basic attributes followed by a specific strategy for any competition like NEET, KVYP, etc. Let’s figure out some key attributes that we need to inculcate for conceptual learning of Biology.


The very fact that biology is a part of our living activity makes it easier to understand and learn provided we are perceptive. An example of perceptiveness can be cited by looking at the curiosity of our minds about different organ systems. The digestive system, for instance, often get revised in our brain the moment we suffer from acidity. Similarly, environmental pollution educates us about the kinds of pollutants and its effect on our bodies. All of these happened only if our mind is perceptive and ready to learn. Perceptiveness, therefore, is the key to learn biology. It is not only relevant for Biology but it is very much required for other subjects as well.

Correlative Study

It is of general observance that we recall the facts by one or other correlative references. It is very much true for biology as well. We can keep facts in our mind permanently if make a correlative study. How to figure out the correlation depends upon a person and it varies from an individual perspective. Unfortunately, there is very little text in the form of a book is available to exemplify the correlative study. Hence, one needs to develop individual strategy on this count. However, we can discuss a few examples which will certainly give some idea of how to go about it. Plant diversity in class XI often creates a big issue for students to memorize the reproductive parts across the diverse group starting from Algae to Angiosperm. Here we can keep facts in our mind by:

  1. Making a correlative study of female reproductive structure. In thallophytes, the sex organ is not protected, hence, the name is species-specific. However, Bryophytes onward it is protected and in all group of plants it known as Archegonia — Bryophytes to Angiosperm.
  2. The difference among archegonia of all groups can be kept in our mind if we try to learn the evolution of archegonia — starting from Bryophyte to Angiosperm. One needs to get acquainted with the evolving trends. The number of archegonia, for instance, is reducing from Bryophyte to Angiosperm. (Bryophyte — numerous, Pteridophyte: 3 to 6; Gymnosperm: 2, Angiosperm: 1). Similarly, other evolutionary trends like their respective position can be studied in a correlative manner. (Soon I will be writing series on how to study individual topics on

Structured Study Plan

How many hours I should study? How much time I should give to Biology? Is it necessary to study biology on daily basis?……… So many questions and some of them or of their kind is a part of each student’s academic pursuit. The answer lies in designing a structured study plan which is again student-specific. The study pant is not only student-specific but it needs to be dynamic concerning the existing requirement. Student, for instance, is in class XI need to prepare a study plan in such a way that all subjects get equal time for self-study and the time can spread over a week. If the exam is just a month away, in that case, the timetable requires changes. At the last moment, it is better to make your strong point stronger instead of learning any new facts or troublesome topics. The study plan for biology should include some topics daily which require some mugging. Features of angiosperms families, edible portion of fruits, key botanical name, etc need to be seen daily in addition to your usual routine to cover the planned topics. I use to memorize before bedtime 5 names like botanical names of fruits and their edible part and recall all such kinds of stuff during my usual daily routine like ….mouth brush time, morning natural calls…. It could be one of the ideas which one can make a part of daily routine.

Mind Mapping

A mind map is a graphical way to represent concepts. It helps in structuring information, enables a better logical analysis which is eventually used in recalling the facts during the examination. In a mind map, contrary to the traditional way of writing notes, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how our brain works. Since it is an activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages our brain in a much, much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions. It is, in fact, a powerful note-taking method. Mind Maps not only highlight important facts but also show the overall structure of a subject and the relative importance of individual parts of it.

One should construct Mind Map along with the study of chapters of any given subject. Ideally, one should read the entire content of the given chapter and try to comprehend the idea in the form of drawing a Mind Map. It may take several attempts before one can finalize the map. Interestingly, in the very process of building the map, the concept is reinforced in the brain. Mind maps in biology can be referred at

I will be writing a series about the tricks and techniques to study specific topics of biology on and it can be referred to strengthen the concept for NEET.

